Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Only stretch your foot to the length of your blanket.


what i tried to do, one could probably called it stalled. it was about collecting written off computing hardware and (refurbishing it if needed) giving it away. what i figured was that most people do not need much more than a p3-800 to do 80-90% of what they do on computers. kids needing a pc to learn about computers and the internet could use such a machine. better yet, such a machine precludes them from playing quite a few pc games, which their teachers and parents wouldn't want them to spend time on anyway. but such machines , along with internet access, would enable these kids to get google, wikipedia, various forums and blogs, facebook, webmail, youtube, maps and street directories..etcetc. Access to these services would level the schema playing alot among kids, be they well to do or not.

anyway, what happened was that there was a government run project to give away computers to the poorest families. my problem with it was that i didn't think they needed to buy anything to give away and by having a higher cost than necessary, they could have set the means bar too low, excluding too many families from getting that free pc. i thought, many organisations and even private individuals are throwing away working or salvageable computers away all the time - they just needed to be re-directed from the landfill to those who didn't mind slower computers.

anyway, in any case, what i was trying to do is practically stalled. a student help group has the understanding that they can approach me if they needed help of the i.t. kind, but i think they may have forgotten about it.

anyway, the linked article lends some research to back up what i thought was the problem.


on another note, at the other end of the spectrum..theres this...


the article talks of the need to teach students how to think on a larger scale..not just think. but keeps using 'data' and 'information' as if the two were synonymous. ha.


this is a tit,

while these are a pair of boobies.

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