Wednesday, January 20, 2010

8 things to celebrate


ok, productivity did not fall as badly as i made it out to be. i wonder what the base population is though. since singstat does not report the singaporean population, but instead reports /singapore residents/, which is citizens + PRs. whatever the case, the increase in the number of people living in singapore seems to be the source of the gdp growth, not improving productivity.

“Over time, Singaporeans have become less hard-driving and hard-striving. This is why it is a good thing that the nation has welcomed so many Chinese immigrants.”


we work longer hours than the taiwanese, japanese and south koreans.
the evening news has gone from 6pm to 10pm.
but still not productive enough.

3. you know, people who live in potong pasir are singaporeans too. they also pay taxes and serve NS.

“You vote for the other side, that means you reject the programs of the PAP candidate… If you reject it, we respect your choice. Then you will be left behind, then in 20, 30 years’ time, the whole of Singapore will be bustling away, and your (housing) estate through your own choice will be left behind. They become slums. That’s my message.”

4. theres a fancl ad on channel news asia, in japanese. but local dialects are not allowed on air.

5. durians are a south east asian delicacy. singaporeans eat durians. but its not allowed on our MRT trains. though beer breath, salted fish, belechan, coconut hair oil, and medicated oil are all ok.


we're higher up Quality of Life Index than malaysia!


2nd highest gini in the world!

“If native Singaporeans are falling behind because the spurs are not stuck into the hide, that is their problem,”


bottom half of the table here...

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